Recent Developments

Things are officially starting to get weird. I walked into the neighborhood grocery store yesterday and thought there had been a sudden increase in anarchists locally. It only took a little while to realize these people were actually wearing their homemade bandana masks to limit the spread of coronavirus. The other alternatives were an increase in Antifa members or old school train robbers wearing their bandana masks. Maybe I’m naïve since I’m young and healthy, but I have not come to the point where I’m sewing or using a mask yet.

I recently read Modern American Snipers; this book describes special operations snipers. It basically goes back to the Vietnam War and explains how the special operations sniper has evolved since this time. Naturally, Chris Kyle is discussed as one of the most best snipers of all time. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars are described as well as the sniper’s role there. It sounds like a tough road to become a sniper. I’ve never been interested in guns too much. I did carry an M9 pistol for a while when I deployed but luckily never had to actually shoot any a living object. The most recent weapon I shot was a bow and arrow. I felt a little bit like Robin Hood or Katness Everdeen from the Hunger Games when shooting the bow and arrow at the archery range. My aim wasn’t bad, but I don’t think I’m be purchasing my own equipment any time soon.

I’m looking forward to celebrating Easter tomorrow. It will be a little different not attending a church service, but that is okay. I can probably watch a service online or on television. I went to the Holy Land Experience about a year ago when I was on vacation in Florida. This theme park was actually really interesting and portrayed Biblical times. One of the highlights was standing in line at the snack bar when the customer in front of me was buying a bottle of water and commented, “This is holy water, right?” I think he must have had a Catholic background.